Community Resources

Community Agency Information


Many times parents call and ask for extra help because they are experiencing problems with their child at home. Below is a list of Counseling Agencies to contact to receive counseling to help with these problems.


Blair Family Solutions - 944-9970 Universal Community Behavioral Health -946-9142

Family Services - 944-3583 Family Intervention Crisis Services (FICS) - 696-7327

Home Nursing Agency - 946-0261 The Meadows Psychiatric Center - 1-800-641-7529

Canal Ways - 695-7180 White Deer Run (Drug & Alcohol Counseling) - 943-1699


The following is a list of other Community Services that may benefit parents in specific situations.

Altoona Regional Health System CRISIS/Access Center - 889-2141 *Hotline for Mental Health and Drug & Alcohol programs, services & crisis.

Blair County Index of Organizations & Services : *Provides listing of services available in Blair County. Links provide information on services and contact information

Blair County Human Services - 693-3112 *This office arranges for agencies to provide some of the following services: CYS (Life Skills Education), Drug & Alcohol (Outpatient), Homeless Assistance, Generic (counseling, referral, etc) and specialized (Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Teen Link, etc)

Blair County Children and Family Services - 693-3130 *Agency provides protective services for children up to 18 years of age that are (or potentially are) “dependent” or “abused” as defined by the Pennsylvania Juvenile Act and the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law.

Contact Altoona - 946-9050 *A 24-hour telephone help-line providing listening/counseling, reassurance, crisis intervention, and information/referral services to the community

Teen Link Connection - 941-8336 *For pregnant and parenting teens - designed to help teens receive appro-priate health care, human services, and educational support.

Teen Shelter - 941-3975 or 1-800-227-8336 *Temporary shelter (up to 13 nights) with parental permission. There is a 9pm curfew and 10pm bedtime. Not allowed to enter if violent or using drugs. Shelter will con-tact CYS if you have been abused.